Operation Wild Lands on N. Riverfront Trail
OWLs Volunteers Take to the North Riverfront Trail three weekends in a row to remove trash and invasive honeysuckle from greenway.
Before (Can you see all of the honeysuckle in the woods?)
After (See the piles of cut invasive honeysuckle lining the greenway?)
Volunteers removed tires from the floodplain ensuring that they would not end up in our rivers. All tires are properly disposed of at a tire shredding facility.
The River as seen from the North Riverfront Trail.
Volunteers worked hard to remove trash and tires from the riverfront, ensuring that it stays out of our waterways.
Volunteers cut invasive honeysuckle from a native prairie to ensure ecological balance. Nearly a mile of riverfront honeysuckle was cut by sixty volunteers.
A fence around the Mary Meechum Visitor’s Center had become ensnarled in invasive vines and bush honeysuckle. Our youngest volunteers tackled this task with pride and made such a difference.
This series of events was conducted in partnership with Great Rivers Greenway. Learn more at www.grgstl.org