
Why Support OSC Programs?

Open Space Council Sponsorship Opportunities

Our programs require hours of staff time and volunteer coordination. However, our sponsorships offer an opportunity to promote your business and show the community that you are committed to protecting land and clean water in St. Louis. Some levels also provide an exclusive opportunity to create a tailored experience for your team to volunteer as a group. These volunteer opportunities are a great team-building exercise and a fun way to get out and enjoy nature while helping the environment. If you or someone you know is interested in promoting your business or organization through Operation Clean Stream, The Trash Bash, The Community Stewardship Alliance, or Operation Wild Lands, you can view our Corporate & Small Business Packages below or Click Here to view and print the full pdf.

We can also design a sponsorship package that best fits your needs, so if you have any questions about becoming a sponsor, please email bonnie@openspacestl.org for more information.