
Operation Clean Stream 2016 WrapUp

The 49th annual Operation Clean Stream is in the books and it was another successful year for the Open Space Council’s premier event. Despite the extreme rains leading up to Operation Clean Stream, volunteers from Arnold to Glencoe, Bourbeuse to Kirkwood worked to remove tires, trash and other debris to restore the Meramec Watershed. In...
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Lower Meramec River Update

We’re excited to share that the most recent water quality data has allowed the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) to lift the Meramec River Advisory.  Operation Clean Stream is a go, with the exception of George Winter Park (read about that here.)  We encourage you to read and share MSD’s press release below…. For Immediate Release...
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Operation Clean Stream Will Continue!

Is Operation Clean Stream still happening? Yes, with the exception of George Winter Park in Fenton. We are thrilled to let you know that the majority of sites will be participating on August 27th, with the exception of George Winter Park in Fenton.  Because of the unique logistics & number of boaters who travel from...
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Important Message Regarding Operation Clean Stream

Recent heavy rains across the Meramec Watershed produced significant amounts of storm water, flooding the Metropolitan Sewer District’s sewage treatment plant in Fenton.   The primary and secondary treatment processes at the plant are fully functioning; however, the ultraviolet light treatment used to disinfect the water is offline. The Metropolitan Sewer District is working to bring this...
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50 Years of the Open Space Council

The Open Space Council is completing our 50th year of land and water conservation in the St. Louis area. To celebrate, we’ve compiled a collection of photos from over the years. We hope you will enjoy this trip down memory lane. Of course, there is always more work to be done. Please join us for...
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