
Report Your Cleanup & Enter the Trash Selfie Photo Contest!

Win Exciting Outdoor Prizes!

Report Your Cleanup & Enter the Trash Selfie Photo Contest!

Trash Reporting Raffle

We need you to report the success of your Operation Clean Stream cleanup! After you have completed your cleanup, please fill out this report form. When you report your results you can choose to be entered into our raffle for a gift certificate to Creve Coeur Lake Rentals! To be entered into the raffle, you must submit your report by August 31, 2020 at 12:00am CST.

Trash Selfie Photo Contest 

Enter your photos from your Operation Clean Stream cleanup into the Trash Selfie Contest! Enter your photos into one or all of the following categories:

  1. Weirdest Trash Item

  2. Best Trash Selfie

  3. Best “Mask On” Photo

A prize will be awarded in each category. You can submit your photos through our online report form or share on social media. When you share your photos on social media be sure to use the hashtags #OCS2020 and #CityWideSTL. You can receive a FREE 4-pack of City Wide Beer when you share your photos by visiting 4 Hands Brewery and showing them the post of your photos with the hashtags. Thanks to 4 Hands Brewing Co. for supporting Operation Clean Stream as part of the City Wide partnership program!


  • Submit your photos either on social media or through the reporting form by August 31, 2020 at 12:00am CST.

  • Photos submitted on Facebook must include the hashtag #OCS2020 and #CityWideSTL be publicly viewable.

  • Please submit photos taken at your self-guided cleanup from August 15 – 23.

  • Please have permission from everyone in the photo.

  • By submitting a photo you are giving the Open Space Council for the St. Louis region permission to share and use in future promotions and communications.

  • Winners will be announced on September 7, 2020.