
Operation Clean Stream

Since 1967, Open Space STL has organized Operation Clean Stream, one of the country’s most significant and longest-running river restoration projects. Join us on Saturday, August 23, 2025, for the 58th year of Operation Clean Stream.


About OCS:

Every August, volunteers take to the Meramec River and its tributaries, working to undo the damage caused throughout the year by flooding, careless littering, and the unlawful dumping of debris. Volunteers participate in canoes and boats, on the shore, in nearby parks, and along trails. Volunteers sign up online pre-event to secure their spot and free OCS collectable t-shirt. Registration opens mid to late June on our volunteer platform!


2021, 2022, 2023

Sponsors and Partners:

Special thanks to Bayer, Great Rivers Greenway, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, Missouri American Water, the Meramec River Recreation Association, On the Run, Missouri Stream Teams, Missouri Department of Conservation, Bridgestone, Enterprise Holdings Foundation, 4 Hands Brewing Company, Saint Louis County Parks, and so many more for supporting Operation Clean Stream 2022!

*~* Click Here to listen to the KDHX interview with Jean Ponzi celebrating 50 years of Operation Clean Stream

We organize clean-ups for groups, organizations, and corporate and small businesses. There are also sponsorship opportunities available. So please contact us at 314-835-9225 or info@openspacestl.org if you have a group interested in volunteering or an organization interested in becoming a sponsor.