
Operation Wild Lands on the Centennial Greenway

On November 14, 2015, the Open Space Council’s Operation Wild Lands hosted an event planting native species on the Centennial Greenway behind Clayton High School. This was a continuation of our previous work along the Centennial Greenway two weeks earlier. The objectives for this event were consistent with those on our earlier work day. In...
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Operation Wild Lands on the Centennial Greenway

On October 24, 2015, the Open Space Council’s Operation Wild Lands hosted an event planting native species on the Centennial Greenway behind Clayton High School. Our staff were joined by 8 community volunteers and 45 student volunteers from Saint Louis University and Loyola Academy of Saint Louis. Our objective was to plant four native species...
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Operation Wild Lands on the Deer Creek Greenway

On October 7, 2015 Open Space Council’s Operation Wild Land hosted a Honeysuckle Hack at Rocketship Park in Maplewood, along the Deer Creek Greenway. Located off of Laclede Station Road, the Spaceship themed park includes trails, baseball and soccer fields, and a stream. Two groups, a 7th grade class from the College School and Webster University’s Woman’s...
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Operation Wild Lands on the Mississippi Greenway: Riverfront Trail

On October 3, Open Space Council’s Operation Wild Lands hosted a volunteer event along the Mississippi Greenway: Riverfront Trail at the Mary Meachum River Crossing, located along the Mississippi River. These volunteers participated in preserving this historic site through greenway stewardships, collecting over 40 bags of trash designated for removal. The group consisted of students from...
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Operation Clean Stream 2015 Wrap Up

On August 22 and 23, the Open Space Council held it’s 48th Annual Operation Clean Stream. Even though we had a rainy start to the weekend, almost 2,000 volunteers braved the wet weather to help clean up the Meramec Watershed. Thank you to all the volunteers who worked to improve our local waterways! Operation Clean...
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Operation Wild Lands at Tilles Park

On September 19, 2015, Open Space Council’s Operation Wild Lands hosted a honeysuckle hack in Tilles Park near Ladue, Missouri. The weather was simply beautiful, cool, dry and pleasant where our location was situated near the pond hearing ducks in the background. We had a small group which was experienced and anxious to start. Dale Dufer,...
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Keeping our waterways clean

Over 2,000 volunteers braved the rain to join us for the 48th annual Operation Clean Stream. Thanks to all of our awesome volunteers for continuing to make this a successful event. Stay tuned for a more complete report on how many tires, cubic yards of trash, pounds of metal and weird findings were collected.  

State Parks Waivers

Youth Volunteer Work Agreement: Ages 14 and under and requires a parent/guardian signature   Volunteer Activity Consent and Parental Approval Form: Ages 15-18 and requires a parent/guardian signature   Volunteer Work Agreement and Registration: Ages 19 and above