
Confluence Trash Bash

April 4th thru 9th

We need Your Help!

Registration is open, and we need your help. The Confluence Trash Bash is a collaborative effort between the Open Space Council and our partners at Great Rivers GreenwayMSD Project Clear, the Missouri Stream Teams, and Earthways Center!! Together we can make a difference.

Trash Bash cleanups and inlet marking help to ensure that our land and water are protected and preserved for our communities while also creating safer spaces and a clean habitat for wildlife. The Open Space Council provides volunteers with gloves and trash bags for their cleanups. The event is free, and volunteers need to pre-register and complete a liability waiver to receive their free t-shirt (pictured below), select a cleanup site, and help event organizers coordinate supplies.

Upon registering, volunteers will receive confirmation emails regarding collecting trash and where to place garbage once it is collected. There are sites available for all experience and mobility levels, and we hope you can join us this year!

Click here for more information about cleanups, inlet marking locations, and how to register.