
Passport to Clean Water: Missouri Coalition for the Environment

Dive into a these videos about water!

Passport to Clean Water: Missouri Coalition for the Environment

Who is Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE)?

Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) is Missouri’s independent, citizens’ environmental organization for clean water, clean air, clean energy, and a healthy environment. We deliver vital information to thousands of Missourians on issues that affect our water, air, food, health, and the environment. For over 50 Years, preserving and protecting Missouri’s abundant water resources has always been a key part of MCE’s mission. Here are a few water-related videos for your virtual enjoyment! Learn more about MCE here.

A Virtual Film Festival Celebrating Water in our Region!

Water and MCE: Water is a critical component in all of MCE’s program areas. Check out the connections.

Ozark Waters: In the time of quarantine, a soothing reflection of Missouri’s fabulous gift, Ozark water!

Big Muddy Fish and Wildlife Refuge: A brief introduction to an important resource on the Missouri River.

On the Water: A music video produced by some friends of MCE’s several years ago, now repurposed to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Missouri Stream Teams. If this doesn’t inspire you…well, don’t worry it will!

Confluence Cleanup – Sri’s Story: Our friends at Missouri River Relief have been in the big river cleanup business for nearly 20 years. Here’s the view from one volunteer.

A Portrait of Leo Drey: Noted conservationist Leo Drey was one of the founders of the Missouri Coalition for the Environment. Though acclaimed for his work preserving Missouri’s forest heritage, much of that work involved preserving Missouri’s incredible streams and rivers as well. This profile was created by MCE’s River Advocate Jim Karpowicz a few years before Leo’s passing in 2015. Stay tuned till the end for Leo and Kay’s appearance!

While Ozark waters are clear and cold, there is one other endearing quality that cannot be overlooked. There are fish in there!

Missouri streams are not only beautiful. They can be exciting as well!