Operation Clean Stream Volunteers Work to Restore Open Spaces After Flood Damage
Open Space Council volunteers came out in droves in February to restore local parks to their pre-flood states. In December 2015, the St. Louis region was hit with record flooding, leaving trash, debris and wreckage strewn across parks and other natural areas. Thanks to the work of our volunteers and member support, we are able to work to clean the damage in some of our region’s hardest hit areas and continue this important work to protect our open spaces.

On February 20th, 55 volunteers restored the camping and playground areas at Meramec State Park.

Volunteers at Simpson Lake Park on February 27th removed this large dock that was floating in Simpson Lake.

178 volunteers contributed 534 hours towards Operation Clean Stream restoration projects in February.

Simpson Lake volunteers removed enough trash and debris from the area to fill several dumpsters.